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Courses and seminars Courses and seminars


29.04.2010, Sofia

lecturer: Dr. Teodor Kanchev

Purpose: for dentists who want to bring the implantology into their daily practice. Each participant will be given special attention.

Maximum number of participants: - 2 persons
Course duration: 1 day

Content of the course:
I. Theoretical part with discusions on a definite clinical case:
1. Development and clasification of the implants;
2. Reading X-ray photographs and tomography for the purpose of the implantological operation;
3. Indications and contra-indication for carrying out the implantological operation;
4. Preparation of the patient for the implantological operation;
5. Surgury protocol from parodontical, surgical, prothethical and gnathological point.

II. Treatment planning
Planing of the implantological treatment: from the first consultation until the final recovery.

III. Practical part
Performance of an implantological surgery on a patient.

IV. Discussion on the caried out surgery.

Enrollment for participation via e-mail info@teosdental.com
or tel.:02/4606149, mobile: 0886 886766

Registration deadline 16.04.2010. The places are limited.

Participation fee – 1200 bgn

*Courses are also conducted in convenient time after prior appointment.

30.04.2010, Sofia

lecturer: Dr. Teodor Kanchev

Purpose: for everyone who wants to get acustommed or to improve his/her work with the instruments and technics for putting the dental dam.

Course duration: 3 hours

Content of the course:
I.Theoretical part
1. Introduction, indications and benefits;
2. Tools - uses and types;
3. Clamp models. Application;
4. Dental dams - stock, thickness, properties;
5. Support materials.

II. Practical part (on phantom)
1. Positioning and size of the holes;
2. Methods for placing in the mouth;
3. Techniques:
- for placing on a single tooth;
- for quadrant isolation in lateral and frontal area;
- for isolation of a whole jaw.
4. Manipulations before and during the use of the dental dam - aspiration, anesthesia, radiology;
5. Closing of the dental dam in the zone of sulcus gingivalis;
6. Additional manipulations for the comfort of the patient.

Enrollment for participation via e-mail info@teosdental.com
or tel.:02/4606149, mobile: 0886 886766

Registration deadline 26.04.2010. The places are limited.

Participation fee – 150 bgn

*Curtailed individual training is also available after prior appointment.

Direct Aesthetic restorations

lecturer: Dr. Teodor Kanchev

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01.Dental Dams Sanctuary 6"x6" mint medium
02.Clamp koferdam #26
03.Clamp koferdam #U67
04.Clamp koferdam #212
05.Clamp koferdam #27
06.Clamp koferdam #24
07.Clamp koferdam #25
08.Clamp koferdam #W2A
09.Elliots Separator
10.Clamp koferdam #214
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